Customer Loyalty: The BEST 3 Digital Marketing Strategies

Customer loyalty is what helps brands grow and develop, by using digital marketing to achieve that, you assure that you will be successful!

A loyal customer is the best channel for advertising and brand awareness. The best thing you can do to succeed in your business is to build customer loyalty.

The first steps involve recognizing your client’s identity, defining a plan based and learning their behavior to know how to reach them.

By doing this, your product and service will not just be a product, but will be used as an element to develop personal communication.

Find out how to build customer loyalty through digital marketing in this article.

Customer Loyalty: The BEST 3 Digital Marketing Strategies

Why building customer loyalty is important for your brand

The problem that most companies face nowadays is customers’ thinking about them and their products.

From the point of view of ordinary customers, products are products that can be replaced and can be purchased from any company.

This sense of risk alerts executives that their business models are at stake as they move forward, due to factors such as technology, geographic location or early market presence.

Moreover, with the current speed of the trading world and everyday changes, business model failure is normal.

However, one way to decrease the churn rate and increase customer prospecting is by building loyalty among current customers.

This is the surest way to escape the twists and turns of the consumer market. Certainly, the results of this effort to build customer loyalty will have great effects for you in the long run.

Learn more: Grow a Small Business in Calgary with the best 5 Strategies

How to retain customers through digital marketing

  1. Communication is key

Verbal and non-verbal communication are key points for customer loyalty, it is through messages, whether advertising or not, that you create an image for your brand.

This image is responsible for conveying the brand’s ideals to the target audience, and those who identify with it are more likely to become repeat customers.

To illustrate this, we need to review the meaning of loyalty. Certainly, building customer loyalty does not mean having a branded discount card.

This type of customer loyalty program only shows the loyalty and needs of your own business and does not care for the customer’s needs.

Loyalty means a two-way relationship. An interface that ultimately leads to more customer purchases.

To exemplify this, we can cite as an example brands that have an identity aimed at a specific niche.

For example, many cosmetics companies have become more environmentally conscious in recent years.

By keeping this in mid when branding, companies may find a niche to work through and retain more customers.

  1. Transparency will gain the trust of your customers

Transparency in human behavior generates interest and loyalty. Because this behavior implies honesty and respect for the other.

With the growth of social media, brands have become more humanized. Even large corporations have a unique communication style with their followers.

For digital marketing, customer success has become an integral part of campaigns.

This means that being transparent, honest and recognizing customers’ needs makes the brand well-regarded by them.

When a brand conquers these factors, it can be chosen among thousands of other brands, becoming the customer’s favorite.

  1. Your brand image must be consistent

The hardest part of building loyalty is unanimity. It’s very likely that your customers don’t have a general opinion about your brand.

Since each person has different thoughts and values, the brand identity will appeal to customers in different ways.

But after all, how to create a certain unanimity among the opinion of your customers and thus create a community around your brand?

A way often used by new companies is to respond positively to these questions that help to understand the mindset of customers:

  • Are the products made from local resources?
  • Are there production and sales methods?
  • Do employees receive fair wages?
  • Was the environment important in the production process?
  • Are my values the same as the brand’s values?

In terms of work, making a brand that adheres to these values is easier than changing a brand name.

Of course, it is more difficult to change the direction of large corporations such as airlines, smartphone vendors and other organizations.

However, for companies that are just starting out, taking these points into account can help create a loyal customer base that frequently buys from your brand.

Learn more: Strategic Planning: 5 Steps to create one for your business

How to Loyal Customers as a Solo Entrepreneur

In case you are an individual entrepreneur without a company behind you, such a nail artist or a construction worker who works individually. Customer loyalty is of paramount importance to you, after all, you depend on these customers for your business to continue earning.

In that case, the best thing to do nowadays is to use social media and other online platforms, not only to generate more leads but also to retain customers.

Entering your business on Google My Business, for example, can help you find local customers.

Anyone can do this, and it’s completely free! Another way is through social media.

Managing social networks focused on content marketing designed for your target audience will help you create a customer base interested in your services.

Focus on your niche and use that to your advantage by posting and talking about that topic.

In addition, the use of paid traffic can also help you to retain more customers, through ads on social networks and on the internet.

As we believe that the best way to retain customers is through social networks, we will detail more about this below:

How to build a relationship with customers through social media

Social media such as Instagram or Facebook play an important role in building an online reputation.

Public praise goes a long way toward validating a brand, while criticism can have a significant negative impact on sales.

While it’s important for brands to address negative reviews and not shy away from them, there’s no reason why long-winded communications should be aired in public.

Therefore, using social media communication channels, such as direct messages, is the best way to solve problems.

This feature is an opportunity that many end up missing. A direct message feature is a communication between the social media user and a marketer or business page that is visible only to those two.

With the direct message feature, you can clarify order details, answer complex product questions, or resolve disputes away from the public eye.

Most social networks like Instagram, Twitter and Facebook have the option of private messages between users.

Redirecting the consumer to a private message through a comment is a way of showing that you are not hiding and are willing to solve the problem.

This shows your other followers that you have good customer service and will help them if they have a problem with your products or services.

Learn more: How to do social media marketing in Canada


Customer loyalty has never been as easy to achieve as in the digital marketing era, due to the various platforms available that allow for communication and approximation with customers.

Having a plan focused on inbound marketing and customer prospecting is essential for companies and individual entrepreneurs.

To learn more about content marketing on social media, visit the DUNA’s Digital Marketing Agency website and learn more about social media management.

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