How to do social media marketing in Canada

For businesses of all sizes, social media marketing is one of the most effective strategies for increasing visibility and expanding the customer base. Being present on social media is key to reaching a larger audience, and it is through these channels that brands can share targeted content and ads. If you are looking to improve […]

How much should I charge for a social media plan?

How much should you charge for a social media plan? If you’ve asked yourself that question, then this post interests you. We’ll look at how much to charge to run a social platform, how to present a suitable social media management proposal to the client, and when to charge for your social media services as […]

How much does it cost to have a social media?

With more companies doing digital marketing, many people are wondering how much does is cost to have a social media. It’s hard to maintain regular content, interact with customers, and build a following on any social media platform. Whether you have an in-house team of digital marketers or not, it’s helpful to outsource any help […]

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